Get cell properties - 2024.1 English

Vitis Tutorials: Embedded Software (XD260)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.1 English

This will look similar to below

Property                      Type     Read-only  Value
ADDRESS_TAG                   string   true       
BD_TYPE                       string   true       
CLASS                         string   true       cell
CONFIG_C_ALL_INPUTS           string   true       0
CONFIG_C_ALL_INPUTS_2         string   true       0
CONFIG_C_ALL_OUTPUTS          string   true       1
CONFIG_C_ALL_OUTPUTS_2        string   true       0
CONFIG_C_BASEADDR             string   true       0xA0000000
CONFIG_C_DOUT_DEFAULT         string   true       0x00000000
CONFIG_C_DOUT_DEFAULT_2       string   true       0x00000000
CONFIG_C_FAMILY               string   true       zynquplus
CONFIG_C_GPIO2_WIDTH          string   true       32
CONFIG_C_GPIO_WIDTH           string   true       8
CONFIG_C_HIGHADDR             string   true       0xA000FFFF
CONFIG_C_INTERRUPT_PRESENT    string   true       0
CONFIG_C_IS_DUAL              string   true       0
CONFIG_C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH     string   true       9
CONFIG_C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH     string   true       32
CONFIG_C_TRI_DEFAULT          string   true       0xFFFFFFFF
CONFIG_C_TRI_DEFAULT_2        string   true       0xFFFFFFFF
CONFIG_Component_Name         string   true       design_1_axi_gpio_0_0
CONFIG_EDK_IPTYPE             string   true       PERIPHERAL
CONFIG_GPIO2_BOARD_INTERFACE  string   true       Custom
CONFIG_GPIO_BOARD_INTERFACE   string   true       led_8bits
CONFIG_USE_BOARD_FLOW         string   true       true
CONFIGURABLE                  bool     true       0
CORE_REVISION                 string   true       30
DRIVER_MODE                   string   true       
HIER_NAME                     string   true       
IP_NAME                       string   true       axi_gpio
IP_TYPE                       enum     true       PERIPHERAL
ISPDEFINST                    bool     true       0
IS_HIERARCHICAL               bool     true       0
IS_PL                         bool     true       1
MULTISOCKETSMP                string   true       
NAME                          string   true       axi_gpio_0
PRODUCT_GUIDE                 string   true;v=v2_0;d=pg144-axi-gpio.pdf
SLAVES                        string*  true       
SLR_NUMBER                    int      true       -1
VLNV                          string   true

Again, users can print a specific cell object property

Vitis [0]: print(cells[0].CONFIG_C_BASEADDR)

Users can also just use the filter the cells. For example, if users wanted to find a specific cell with IP_NAME as axi_gpio

axi_gpio = HwDesign.get_cells(hierarchical='true',filter='IP_NAME==axi_gpio')

This will return (if found) the cell object for the cell with property IP_NAME as axi_gpio

Vitis [0]: print(axi_gpio)

A more useful filter, would be to filter by the IP_TYPE. This could be PERIPHERAL, PROCESSOR, ect. Users can use this filter to find all processors in the XSA

procs = HwDesign.get_cells(hierarchical='true',filter='IP_TYPE==PROCESSOR')
Vitis [0]: print(procs)
psu_cortexa53_0 psu_cortexa53_1 psu_cortexa53_2 psu_cortexa53_3 psu_cortexr5_0 psu_cortexr5_1 psu_pmu_0