Resume the execution of the application and wait to see if the application reaches the end. The application keeps running. Pausing the execution shows that the DMA operation has not been finished, so the program execution is looping forever.
The DMA operation is monitored by an interrupt handler that has not been executed for some reason. The Registers view in the Vitis IDE can be used in these cases to inspect the peripheral/controller status as well as the processor status for debugging purposes. This window is context aware, which means that the registers shown in the window are based on the target selected in the Debug window.
Select the PSU target in the Debug window and check the ADMA_CH0 controller (the channel used for the data transfer) registers. The DMA_DONE bit within the ZDMA_CH_ISR register shows that the transfer is completed and the interrupt signal in the controller is also triggered.
Select the Cortex-A53#0 target in the Debug window and check that the interrupt for the LPD DMA CH0 is not enabled in the corresponding GICD_ISENABLER# register. The interrupt signal is consequently created in the DMA controller but is not handled in the interrupt controller, which prevents the handler from being executed and the loop from finishing in the application code. Review of the code can confirm that the interrupt is not enabled in the GIC using the XScuGic_Enable
Open main.c
in the file editor and correctly add the ADMA_CH0 interrupt ID.
Status = XSetupInterruptSystem(&ZDma, &XZDma_IntrHandler,
Config->IntrId, Config->IntrParent,
Build the application and launch the initially created debug session again. This time, the application is executed completely and the exit point is reached, confirming that the DMA transfer is completed.