Using a VPN - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

For remote testing through a corporate VPN connection, configure your network to expose the VCK190 board to the VPN and forward the inbound MATLAB TCP connections to its IP address. Refer to the following example:

  • Assuming two remote laptops are connected to the same VPN network, one is running MATLAB (1) and another is locally connected to the VCK190 board (2).

  • No additional configuration is needed for laptop 1 because it already can establish outgoing connections to IP addresses within the VPN network.

    • You can also use onboard Ethernet port if is not occupied and the original VPN connection is established through WiFi.

  • Assuming a Windows 10 system, share the VPN connection with the spare Ethernet on laptop 2.

    • Open Control Panel, Network and Internet, Network and Sharing Center, and on the left side click Change Adapter Settings.

    • Locate the virtual network adapter representing your VPN connection.

    • Locate the spare Ethernet adapter and note its name.

    • Check Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection and select the spare Ethernet network adapter name from the drop-down menu.

    • Apply the changes.


  • Connect VCK190 board Ethernet port 17 (the top one) directly to the laptop 2 spare Ethernet port.

  • The board will obtain an IP address automatically through DHCP. On the board console, find out its IP address.

    • ifconfig eth0

    • For example, the address is

    • NOTE: subnet 137 is automatically assigned by Windows • Again open the VPN network adapter Properties, Sharing tab. • Click the Settings… button and add a port forwarding rule such that the incoming TCP connections to a certain port are forwarded to the VCK190 board. Port 8888 is selected as an example; it must be the same port number the VCK190 host application is listening to.


  • Apply the changes. At this point, any TCP connection originated from the VPN network to specified port will be forwarded to the board.

  • Note the IP address you will need for establishing the TCP connection. In this case, it is not the board IP address, but the VPN adapter IP address.

  • Right-click the VPN network adapter, select Status, click Details…

  • Note the IPv4 address, which will belong to your VPN subnet.

  • Use this IP address when connecting from MATLAB.