Testing with MATLAB - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English
  • Connect MATLAB to the board by specifying <target ip address>:<tcp port> as described in the network configuration section, and send the input data.

  • The application receives N input snapshots from MATLAB via the TCP protocol, extracts the payload data, initializes the input and output DMA memory buffers, and executes one or more iterations of the Fidus MUSIC algorithm implementation on the AIE engine.

  • The output data from N snapshots is collected in the memory and then sent back to MATLAB via the TCP connection, one batch at a time, with a fixed delay between the batches.

  • Observe the MATLAB visualization and the application console output.


  • The application also reports the average AIE execution time measured over the series of input snapshots (997.257202 ns in the above screenshot). This value is also sent back to MATLAB and presented on the visualization.

  • Without disconnecting the MATLAB TCP client, send another batch of input snapshots to execute the algorithm again.

  • Terminate the MATLAB TCP client and the application on the board will exit automatically.

    • NOTE: if the application is terminated abruptly amid ongoing TCP exchange, the next time it starts, it may fail to bind its listening socket to the network interface. In this case, terminate the MATLAB client connection, and allow 1-2 minutes timeout before restarting the application to clean up the stale connection.

  • Restart the application on the board and connect MATLAB client again to perform another algorithm run.