TRANSPOSE-1 Kernel - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

This AIE kernel implements the matrix transpose operation required to feed the proper 16-point input samples to the DFT-16 on the third dimension of the 3D cube. Once again the matrix transpose may be implemented completely within the array using the Memory tile.

The write_bd buffer descriptor here is configured to match the read_bd buffer descriptor from the TRANSPOSE-0 kernel as we need to write-back the transformed results into the same memory locations from which they are read from. This configuration is shown below.

 tiling_parameters write_bd = {
      .buffer_dimension = {8,16,16},
      .tiling_dimension = {1,1,1},
      .offset = {0,0,0},
      .tile_traversal = {{.dimension=1, .stride=1, .wrap=9},
                         {.dimension=2, .stride=1, .wrap=16},
                         {.dimension=0, .stride=1, .wrap=7}} };

The read_bd buffer descriptor here is configured to deliver the samples required by the DFT-16 kernel that follows. Those sample are read of the third dimension of the 3D data cube, taken from dimensions \(16,9,6\) corresponding to configurations \(2,1,0\).

tiling_parameters read_bd = {
      .buffer_dimension = {8,16,16},
      .tiling_dimension = {1,1,1},
      .offset = {0,0,0},
      .tile_traversal = {{.dimension=2, .stride=1, .wrap=16},
                         {.dimension=1, .stride=1, .wrap=9},
                         {.dimension=0, .stride=1, .wrap=7}} };

Once again, repetition_count is configured to 8 and num_buffers is configured to 2 for reasons explained above.
