Running the Design in Hardware - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

To run the design and observe the traces from the ILAs, open Vivado.

  1. Prepare the VCK190 by connecting the UART/JTAG USB cable to your compute and set the boot mode to JTAG.

  2. Power on the VCK190.

  3. Open Vivado and open the Vivado HW manager.

  4. Connect to the target and program the device using the generated BOOT.BIN (Vitis/workspace_3/system_project/build/hw/package/package/BOOT.BIN) and use the .ltx file from the V++ linker generated Vivado project (Vitis/workspace_3/system_project/build/hw/hw_link/binary_container_1/binary_container_1/vivado/vpl/prj/prj.runs/impl_1/custom_pfm_strmIn_strmOut_bd_wrapper.ltx).

Program device

  1. Open the ILA view and configure the ILA to trigger when M00_AXIS tready and tvalid are high. Change the number of captured window to two and set the trigger position in window setting to 10 and run the trigger for the ILA.

ILA configuration

  1. The ILA should trigger and you should see an activity on the AXI4-Streams.

ILA Output