Running on a board - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English
  1. Prerequisite: Build was executed with export TARGET := hw

  2. Copy over the [project-root]/package_linux_hw/sd_card/* to an SD-card (Note: Only when export LINUX_PRE_BUILDS := false), or put the [project-root]/package_linux_hw/sd_card.img on an SD-card.

  3. Put the SD-card in the board’s Versal SD-card slot (board’s top SD-card slot closest to the bracket).

  4. Connect the included USB-cable between the board (Middle bottom of the bracket) and a computer:

    • Usually you will see 3 serial ports in your device manager:

      • One for the ZU04 system controller device.

      • Two for Versal; however only one of the Versal serial ports are in use.

      • To see the serial ports, the board does not need to be powered-ON, the physical USB connection should be enough!

    • Connect to the serial port(s) by using a terminal emulator like Putty (Windows) with the following settings:

      • 115200 baud

      • 8 data bits

      • 1 stop bit

      • Parity none

      • Flow control XON/XOFF

    • Maybe for the first time open all 3 serial ports to see which one is the correct Versal serial port where you can follow the Versal-boot and interact later on.

  5. Power-UP:

    • It will first boot-up up the ZU04, next it will start the Versal boot.

    • Only one of the Versal serial ports will give you the Linux login prompt after booting.

  6. Continue to “Execution & Results”.