Part 2 - Connecting RTL AXI4-Stream interfaces (NOT included in Block Design) to the AI Engine - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

In this part, a design is replicated in which all the RTL sending and receiving data to and from the AI Engine is outside the Block Design (BD). To communicate with the AI Engine, the RTL needs to have a compliant AXI4-Stream interace (for example, it needs to be able to handle back pressure when tready is low). The AXI4S_Counter and the dummy Sink used in the previous part are instantiated in an RTL top-level, which also instantiates the Block Design that contains the AI Engine. As the V++ linker is only able to work inside a BD, add an IP block inside it to which the linker can connect.