The MNIST ConvNet must be trained on the MNIST image database. This database contains 60,000 images of hand-written digits and is distributed as part of the Keras/TensorFlow package.The MNIST-Convnet-demo.ipynb selects 3750 x 16 images for training the network in batches of 16 and another 512 x 16 images for testing the trained network in batches of 16. Each image is represented by 28 x 28 monochromatic pixels (in the range 0 to 255). Code for extracting these training and testing image sets is shown below, along with examples of eight of these hand-written images.
NB_trn = 3750
NB_tst = 512
# Load MNIST database:
(trn_images,trn_labels), (tst_images,tst_labels) = mnist.load_data()
trn_images = trn_images.reshape((60000,28,28,1))
trn_images = trn_images[:NB_trn*BS,:,:,:]
tst_images = tst_images.reshape((10000,28,28,1))
# Extract usable data:
tst_images = tst_images[:NB_tst*BS,:,:,:]
trn_labels = trn_labels[:NB_trn*BS]
tst_labels = tst_labels[:NB_tst*BS]
fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2,ncols=4)
for rr in range(2):
for cc in range(4):