The platform is created using the AMD Versal™ Extensible Platform Configurable Example Design (CED) included in AMD Vivado™.
In this example, custom IPs are added to the block design. The first one AXI4S_Counter is a counter, which generates data on a 64-bit AXI4-Stream interface. The second one, dummy Sink, is an AXI4-Stream slave that accepts any data and drop it (tready always high). The AXI4-Stream interfaces of these two IPs are not connected to any Slave or Master interfaces. They are connected to the AI Engine using the V++ linker.
Note: The AI Engine expects AXI4-Stream compliant interfaces to be connected to its AXI4-Stream interfaces. While the following user guide focuses on designing Video IPs, it might contain useful consideration when designing any AXI4-Stream IP.
For the V++ linker to be aware that the two AXI4-Stream interfaces are available, add two interfaces as part of the platform properties. They need to have a unique SP tag.
This is done using the following TCL commands:
set_property PFM.AXIS_PORT {M00_AXIS {type "M_AXIS" sptag "master_axi_1" is_range "false"}} [get_bd_cells /AXI4S_Counter_0]
set_property PFM.AXIS_PORT {S00_AXIS {type "S_AXIS" sptag "slave_axi_1" is_range "false"}} [get_bd_cells /dummy_sink_0]
Or this can be done through the Vivado GUI using the Platform Tab.
Note: The preceding flow assumes that the RTL AXI4-Stream interfaces are part of the block design (BD). In some designs, the RTL might be outside of the BD. In this case, it is possible to simply add an interface port to the BD set as AXI4-Stream ( and add an IP in the BD, which would only wire all the interface nets as a pass-through. The option is shown in the Part 2.
The Vivado Platorm can be generated using the following make command:
make vivado_platform