GenerateStreams - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

This utility will use a library to generate input data suitable for the cases you want to test. It is called by typing GenerateStreamsGUI. This displays a GUI in which you can select the appropriate parameters to generate the correct input data files:

missing image

You have access to a number of parameters:

  • Data Type: By default, cint16, as this is what you use throughout this tutorial.

  • PLIO Width: By default, 64, as this is the width which is used in this tutorial.

  • Number of Phases: For Super Sampling Rate Filters.

  • Number of Streams: For the SSR filters using the 2 streams of the AI Engines.

  • Number of Samples per Stream per Phase: Each stream contains a number of samples defined there.

  • Number of Frames: Simulations are launched for a limited number of Frames.

  • Base of the Filename: PhaseIn by default, which generates the following names:

    • Single Stream, Single Phase: PhaseIn_0.txt

    • Single Stream, Polyphase: PhaseIn_0.txt, PhaseIn_1.txt, …

    • Dual streams, Polyphase: PhaseIn_0_0.txt, PhaseIn_0_0.txt, PhaseIn_1_0.txt, PhaseIn_1_0.txt``, …

Another possibility is to type GenerateStreams with the same parameters. If you type GenerateStreams without parameters, a usage text is displayed:


Stream Content Generation


GenerateStreams DataType PLIO_Width NPhases NStreams NSamples NFrames SequenceType Basename
   Datatype: cint16, int16, int32
   PLIO_Width: 32, 64 or 128
   NPhases: any integer >= 1
   NStreams: 1 or 2
   NSamples: integer, multiple of 8
   NFrames: Any integer >= 1
   SequenceType: Dirac, Linear, SinCos, Random
   Basename: file name that will prepend phase and stream index
