Extracting Weights & Biases for AIE-ML Inference Solution - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

Now having obtained a trained model for the MNIST ConvNet classifier, the last step required prior to building an inference solution on AIE-ML is to obtain a quantized set of weights to be used by the implementation. For simplicity in this tutorial, a bfloat16 implementation is chosen because quantization is straightforward. Each weight & bias uses the same exponent but a quantized mantissa of only 8 bits as opposed to the 24-bits used by the full precision floating point values produced by the Keras network model. The code below extracts the weights & biases from the Keras model, quantizes them to bfloat16 and then saves them in files for validating each layer of the network to be designed in AI Engine below.
