Deploying the SD Card Image - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

Follow the steps below to deploy the SD card image to the VCK190 board:

  1. Install the following tools (for Windows):

    • SD Card formatter: (

    • Win32 Disk Imager: (

    • Putty serial terminal: (

  2. Obtain the latest SD card image from the build process outlined above.

Refer to the image below for the following steps:

  1. Connect the board power cord (connector 31).

  2. Power down the board (switch 30) and eject the microSD card from slot 10.

  3. Insert the micro SD card into your computer.

  4. Dismiss any Windows Explorer pop-up prompts regarding formatting the card.

  5. Run the SD card formatter tool, select the card disk letter from a drop-down list and perform a quick format (if the card shows up as several logical disks – select the first disk letter).

  6. Run the Win32DiskImager tool and specify:

    • Image file: path to the SD card image

    • Device: the formatted card disk letter

    • Click write button and wait for the process to complete

  7. Eject the card from your computer and insert it into slot 10 on the VCK190 board.
