Client and Server on MATLAB - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

Use the following steps to run the HIL on two instances of MATLAB. Here you are not running MUSIC on the VCK190 evaluation board, but instead are using a second MATLAB instance to emulate the board.

Step #1: Start two instances of MATLAB. Set the root directory for the two instances to HIL/MatlabClient and HIL/MatlabServer respectively.


Step #2: Get the local IP address using ipconfig on Windows (or with similar procedures if using Linux) and configure using the MATLAB script TcpIp/getIpAddr.m as outlined earlier.

Step #3: Create a TCP server on the MATLAB server instance as shown below.


Step #4: On the client MATLAB instance, send the generated or archived batch using the sendSnapshots.m script as outlined earlier. The client will enter its listening mode.

Step #5: On the server instance run the script emulateMUSIConVCK190.m to emulate the VCK190 workload. The server instance will run MUSIC on the received batch and send back the results.

Step #6: The client instance plots the received responses.