The Versal VCK190/VEK280/VEK280(+es1) System Example Design full Makefile build-flow builds the whole project in the following order:
1. version_check: Checks if the Vivado, Petalinux and Vitis tools are setup and if the versions are 2024.2
2. vivado_platform: Building the thin platform xsa (only pre-synth) or using the pre-builds
3. vitis_platform: Building the Vitis Platform or using the pre-builds
4. linux: Building linux and sysroot (with Petalinux or Yocto) or using the pre-builds
5. dtg: Building the device-tree when xsa and xpfm is build and using the linux pre-builds
6. bif: Some necessary Copying of linux image-files to the vitis platform for a correct Vitis packaging
7. vitis_ip: Building Ai Engine graph(s) towards libadf.a and compiling hls/rtl kernels to *.xo
9. full_impl: Linking all kernels and AIE in the thin platform and fully implement it
8. ps_apps: Building all XRT-based PS applications
10. package: Packaging all necessary boot/run files