AI Engine Graph View - 2024.2 English - XD100

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine Development (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The diagram below shows the graph view of the AI Engine array for this design. As noted above, the design contains 32 instances of 1024-pt “row” FFTs in the front-end and 32 instances of 1024-pt “column” FFTs in the back-end. Each 1024-pt transform is implemented using 5 tiles in each case. An extra tile implements “twiddle rotation” for each FFT instance in the front-end. Consequently, we can see in the diagram below there are 32 instances of a “6-tile subgraph” that implement the front-end transforms and twiddle rotations, along with 32 instances of a “5-tile subgraph” for the back-end compute processing.
