Host Setup is used to install XRT on the host and flash Xilinx Alveo cards with specified versions. However, not all the Aleveo cards and Linux distributions are supported. Visit Xilinx Runtime Base to view the full support list. If this is enabled with unsupported cards or Linux distributions, nothing will be performed.
In FPGA-Operator, HostSetup can be customized per Linux distribution. Here is an example of configuration in the values file for Ubuntu 18 and Ubuntu 20.
# install xrt and shell; flash cards
enabled: true
- osId: ubuntu
osMajorVersion: "18"
version: "2023.1"
xrmInstallation: true
shellFlashEnabled: true # default value is true
cards: [] # empty to perform setup for all cards;
# cards: ["alveo-u200", "alveo-u50"]
image: host-setup
tag: ubuntu18.04
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- osId: ubuntu
osMajorVersion: "20"
version: "2023.1"
xrmInstallation: true
shellFlashEnabled: true # default value is true
cards: [] # empty to perform setup for all cards
image: host-setup
tag: ubuntu20.04
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
To set the values using --set
and --set-string
$ helm install --generate-name -n xilinx-system --create-namespace xilinx/fpga-operator \
--set hostSetup.osDists[0].osId=ubuntu \
--set-string hostSetup.osDists[0].osMajorVersion=18 \
--set-string hostSetup.osDists[0].version=2022.1 \
--set hostSetup.osDists[0] \
--set hostSetup.osDists[0].image=host-setup \
--set hostSetup.osDists[0].tag=ubuntu18.04 \
--set hostSetup.osDists[1].osId=ubuntu \
--set-string hostSetup.osDists[1].osMajorVersion=20 \
--set-string hostSetup.osDists[1].version=2022.1 \
--set hostSetup.osDists[1] \
--set hostSetup.osDists[1].image=host-setup \
--set hostSetup.osDists[1].tag=ubuntu20.04