If you want to use the default values file and customize only a few of the options, --set
flag is an easy way to make it.
The following table lists part of the available options of the chart, and the full list can be found from values.yaml.
Parameter | Description | Default |
nfd.enabled |
Deploys Node Feature Discovery plugin as a daemonset.
Set this variable to false if NFD is already running in the cluster.
true |
operator.defaultRuntime |
FPGA-Operator will dectect the default CRI used by the Kubernetes cluster automatically.
This value will be used in case the CRI is not detected.
Allowed values:
docker/containerd |
containerd |
containerRuntime.enabled |
Installs xilinx-container-runtime and create a runtimeclass.
Set this variable to false if xilinx-container-runtime is installed already or not needed.
true |
devicePlugin.enabled |
Deploys a device-plugin daemonset to create allocatable Kubernetes device resources. | true |
hostSetup.enabled |
Installs XRT and flash cards.
Set this variable to false if XRT has been installed and the cards have been flashed already.
true |
Here is an example to install FPGA Opeartor with NFD disabled.
$ helm install --generate-name -n xilinx-system --create-namespace xilinx/fpga-operator --set nfd.enabled=false