
76449 - Design Advisory for Versal Adaptive SoC: Vcc_pmc must be connected to 0.7VDC if PUF is used

Release Date
1.0 English

The VCC_PMC power rail must be connected to 0.7VDC if the Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) is going to be used on some Versal Adaptive SoC devices. See (UG1508) for the list of the impacted devices.

  • Operation at higher VCC_PMC voltages (> 0.7VDC) might prevent the PUF from consistently regenerating the KEK and/or Unique ID over the device’s lifetime in a fielded device
  • Operating VCC_PMC at 0.7VDC affects the maximum Platform Management Controller (PMC) performance. See the relevant data sheet for details:
    • DS956 (Prime Series), DS957 (AI Series) or DS959 (Premium Series - available in the early access lounge)

See the Versal Security Manual (UG1508) for additional details: (access controlled site).

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