Evaluation - 7.1 English

Peak Cancellation Crest Factor Reduction LogiCORE IP Product Brief (PB008)

Document ID
Release Date
7.1 English

An evaluation license is available for this core. The evaluation version operates in the same way as the full version for several hours, dependent on clock frequency. Allocation of the cancellation pulse generators is then completely disabled, and the data output comprises a delayed version of the data input. If you notice this behavior in hardware, it probably means you are using an evaluation version of the core. The Xilinx tools warn that an evaluation license is being used during netlist implementation. If a full license is installed, delete the old XCO file, reconfigure and regenerate the core. More details on evaluation can be found in the PC-CFR evaluation lounge (registration required): www.xilinx.com/member/forms/registration/pc_cfr_eval.html.