Interrupt Enable Register - 5.4 English

MIPI CSI-2 Receiver Subsystem LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG232)

Document ID
Release Date
5.4 English

The Interrupt Enable register (IER) is described in the following table and allows you to selectively generate an interrupt at the output port for each error/status bit in the ISR. An IER bit set to 0 does not inhibit an error/status condition from being captured, but inhibits it from generating an interrupt.

Table 1. Interrupt Enable Register (0x28)
Bits Name Reset Value Access Description
31 Frame Received 0x0 R/W

Set bits in this register to 1 to generate the required interrupts. Set to 0 to disable the interrupt.

For a description of the specific interrupt you are enabling/disabling in this register see the ISR descriptions in Interrupt Status Register.

30 VCX Frame Error 0x0 R/W Set to 1 to generate the VCX Frame Error interrupt.
29 RX_Skewcalhs 0x0 R/W Set to 1 to generate the rxskecalhs interrupt.
28 YUV420 WC Error 0x0 R/W Set to 1 to generate the YUV420 WC Error interrupt.
27 Pending write in internal FIFO 0x0 R/W

Set bits in this register to 1 to generate the required interrupts. Set to 0 to disable the interrupt.

For a description of the specific interrupt you are enabling/disabling in this register see the ISR descriptions in Interrupt Status Register.

26–23 Reserved N/A N/A
22 Word Count (WC) corruption 0x0 R/W
21 Incorrect lane configuration 0x0 R/W
20 Short packet FIFO full 0x0 R/W
19 Short packet FIFO empty 0x0 R/W
18 Stream line buffer full 0x0 R/W
17 Stop state 0x0 R/W
16 Reserved N/A N/A
15 Reserved N/A N/A
14 Reserved N/A N/A
13 SoT error 0x0 R/W
12 SoT Sync error 0x0 R/W
11 ECC 2-bit error 0x0 R/W
10 ECC 1-bit error (Detected and Corrected) 0x0 R/W
9 CRC error 0x0 R/W
8 Unsupported Data Type 0x0 R/W
7 Frame synchronization error for VC3 0x0 R/W
6 Frame level error for VC3 0x0 R/W
5 Frame synchronization error for VC2 0x0 R/W
4 Frame level error for VC2 0x0 R/W
3 Frame synchronization error for VC1 0x0 R/W
2 Frame level error for VC1 0x0 R/W
1 Frame synchronization error for VC0 0x0 R/W
0 Frame level error for VC0 0x0 R/W