It is based on the Arm® CoreSight® architecture. The FTM receives trace data from the PL and formats it into trace packets to be combined with the trace packets from other trace source components such as PTM and Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM). With this capability, PL events can easily be traced simultaneously with PS events.
The FTM also supports cross-triggering between the PS and PL, except for the trace dumping feature. In addition, the FTM provides general-purpose debug signals between the PS and PL.
This block provides:
• General purpose I/Os, 32 bits to the PL and 32 bits from the PL. These are accessed through reads and writes to registers.
• Trigger signals, four pairs to the PL and four pairs from the PL. Each pair consists of a trigger signal and an acknowledge signal, and follows the Arm® standard CTI handshake protocol