Boot Mode - 3.3 English

Control Interfaces and Processing System LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG352)

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3.3 English

AMD Versalâ„¢ device boots differently from traditional FPGAs. There is no longer a standalone bitstream, but instead the Versal device has a programmable device image (PDI) that includes a PL Configuration Frame Data. The Configuration Frame Interface (CFI) is the interface used to configure the Configuration Frames with the Configuration Frame Data. The CFI belongs to the PMC. The PMC BootROM is responsible to read the PLM from the PDI via the boot medium selected.

The PLM includes boot device configuration. Select the boot devices in the Boot Mode page. Multiple boot devices can be selected as supported on the board. Clock settings such as required frequency for boot peripherals and REF_CLK frequency can be set in this page. If you want to use only the PL section, you should use this page to configure boot peripherals.

QSPI, OSPI, SD0, SD1, eMMC1, and SelectMAP are all primary boot peripheral options. The boot peripheral options shown in CIPS IP are setup during boot time. All other options can be setup by the run-time software. The SD0, SD1, and eMMC1 settings provide flags if the MIO selected is not supported for primary boot. An information message is shown in Vivado GUI for SD0/1 on usage as Storage or Boot (and/or) Storage.

STARTUP options are available to interface device pins and logic to the global asynchronous set/reset signal, the global 3-state dedicated routing, and the end of startup (EOS).

The STARTUP options supported in Tcl command prompt, you can set CONFIG.PS_PMC_CONFIG to one to get this primitive ports on CIPS.

set_property CONFIG.PS_PMC_CONFIG {PS_USE_STARTUP 1 } [get_bd_cells /versal_cips_0]
Figure 1. Boot Mode Configuration
Note: For more information on the Versal Adaptive SoC Technical Reference Manual (AM011) and Versal Adaptive SoC System Software Developers Guide (UG1304).