Name | I/O | Clock Domain | Description |
ctl_rx_enable | I | clk | RX enable. For normal operation this input must be set to 1. When set to 0, after the RX completes the reception of the current packet (if any), it stops receiving packets by keeping the PCS from decoding incoming data. In this mode, there are no statistics reported and the AXI4-Stream interface is idle. |
ctl_rx_custom_preamble_enable | I | clk | When asserted, this signal causes the side band of a packet presented on the AXI4-Stream to be the preamble as it appears on the line. |
rx_preambleout[55:0] | O | clk | This is the preamble, and now a separate output instead of inline with data. |
ctl_rx_delete_fcs | I | clk |
Enable FCS removal by the RX core. If set to 0, the core does not remove the FCS of the incoming packet. If set to 1, the core deletes the FCS to the received packet. FCS is not deleted for packets that are less than eight bytes. This input should only be changed while the corresponding reset input is asserted. |
ctl_rx_ignore_fcs | I | clk |
Enable FCS error checking at the AXI4-Stream interface by the RX core. If set to 0, a packet received with an FCS error is indicated as an errored frame (rx_axis_tuser=1 when rx_axis_tlast=1) If set to 1, the core does not flag an FCS error at the AXI4-Stream Interface. The statistics are reported as if the packet is good. The signal stat_rx_bad_fcs, however reports the error. |
ctl_rx_max_packet_len[14:0] | I | clk |
Any packet longer than this value is considered to be oversized. If a packet has a size greater than this value, it is truncated to this value and the rx_axis_tuser signal is asserted along with the rx_axis_tlast signal. ctl_rx_max_packet_len[14] is reserved and must be set to 0. |
ctl_rx_min_packet_len[7:0] | I | clk | Any packet shorter than this value is considered to be undersized. If a packet has a size shorter than this value, the rx_axis_tuser signal is asserted along with the rx_axis_tlast signal. Packets less than four bytes are dropped. |
ctl_rx_check_sfd | I | clk | When asserted, this input causes the MAC to check the Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD) of the received frame. |
ctl_rx_check_preamble | I | clk | When asserted, this input causes the MAC to check the preamble of the received frame. |
stat_rx_local_fault | O | clk | This output is High when stat_rx_internal_local_fault or stat_rx_received_local_fault is asserted. This output is level sensitive. |
stat_rx_remote_fault | O | clk | Remote fault indication status. If this bit is sampled as 1, indicates a remote fault condition was detected. If this bit is sampled as 0, remote fault condition does not exist. This output is level sensitive. |