Getting the Pruned Model - 3.0 English

Vitis AI Optimizer User Guide (UG1333)

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Release Date
3.0 English

When iterative pruning is completed, a sparse model is generated which has the same number of parameters as the original model but with many of these parameters now set to zero.

Call get_slim_model() to remove zeroed parameters from the sparse model and generate the final pruned model:


input_shape = [28, 28, 1]
input_spec = tf.TensorSpec((1, *input_shape), tf.float32)
runner = IterativePruningRunner(model, input_spec)
slim_model = runner.get_slim_model()

By default, the runner uses the latest pruning specification to generate the slim model. You can see what the latest specification file is with the following command:

$ cat .vai/latest_spec
$ ".vai/mnist_ratio_0.5.spec"

If this file does not match your sparse model, you can explicitly specify the file path to be used:

slim_model = runner.get_slim_model(".vai/mnist_ratio_0.5.spec")
You can use keras model saving APIs to save the slim model and then reload it for inference or quantization. For example,'/tmp/model')
loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model('/tmp/model')