Generating an OFA Model - 3.0 English

Vitis AI Optimizer User Guide (UG1333)

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3.0 English

Call ofa_model() to get an OFA model. This method finds all the nn.Conv2d / nn.ConvTranspose2d and nn.BatchNorm2d modules, then replaces those modules with DynamicConv2d / DynamicConvTranspose2d and DynamicBatchNorm2d.

A list of pruning ratios is required to specify a maximum and minimum channel pruning ratio for each of these layers in the final OFA model.

For each convolution layer in the OFA model, an arbitrary pruning ratio can be used in the output channel. The maximum and minimum values in this list represent the maximum and minimum compression rates of the model. Other values in the list represent the subnetworks to be optimized. By default, the pruning ratio is set to [0.5, 0.75, 1].

For a subnetwork sampled from the OFA model, the output channels of a convolution layer is one of the numbers in the pruning ratio list multiplied by its original number. For example, for a pruning ratio list of [0.5, 0.75, 1] and a convolution layer nn.Conv2d(16, 32, 5), the output channels of this layer in a sampled subnetwork is one of [0.5*32, 0.75*32, 1*32].

Because the first and last layers have a significant impact on network performance, they are commonly excluded from pruning. By default, this method automatically identifies the first convolution and the last convolution, then puts them into the list of excludes. Setting auto_add_excludes equals False can cancel this feature.

ofa_model = ofa_pruner.ofa_model([0.5, 0.75, 1], excludes = None, auto_add_excludes=True)