Step 3: Validating the Design on the Board - 2023.2 English - UG986

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Implementation (UG986)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
This step is optional, but helps you understand the ECO modifications that you make in the Step 4: Making the ECO Modifications.
  1. From the main menu, select Flow > Open Hardware Manager.

    The Hardware Manager window opens.

  2. Connect to a hardware target using hw_server.
    Tip: For more information about different ways to connect to a hardware target, refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908).

  3. In the Vivado Flow Navigator, under Program and Debug, click Program Device.

    The Program Device dialog box opens.

  4. Navigate to the Bitstream file and Debug Probes file.
  5. Click Program.

    Now that the FPGA is configured, you can use the on-board buttons and the on-board LEDs to control and observe the hardware. Press the Pause button to pause the counter. Press the Toggle button to select between the count and the multiplier result. Press the Reset button to reset the counter.

    Alternatively, you can use the VIO to control and observe the hardware.

    If the following warning message appears, select one of the alternatives suggested in the message.

    WARNING: [Labtools 27-1952] VIO hw_probe OUTPUT_VALUE properties for hw_vio(s) [hw_vio_1] differ from output values in the VIO core(s).
    To synchronize the hw_probes properties and the VIO core outputs choose one of the following alternatives:
      1) Execute the command 'Commit Output Values to VIO Core', to write down the hw_probe values to the core.
      2) Execute the command 'Refresh Input and Output Values from VIO Core', to update the hw_probe properties with the core values.
      3) First restore initial values in the core with the command 'Reset VIO Core Outputs', and then execute the command 'Refresh Input and Output Values from VIO Core'.
  6. Select the hw_vios tab in the dashboard and click the Add button to add probes.

    The Add Probes dialog box opens.

  7. Select all of the probes for hw_vio_1 and click OK.
  8. In the hw_vios dashboard, select count_out_OBUF[7:0], then right-click and select Radix > Unsigned Decimal.

  9. In the hw_vios dashboard, select count_out_OBUF[7:0], then right-click and select LED.

    The Select LED Colors dialog box opens.

  10. Select Red for the Low Value Color and Green for the High Value Color.
  11. Click OK.
  12. In the hw_vios dashboard, select pause_vio_out, reset_vio_out, and toggle_vio_out, then right-click and select Active-High Button.

  13. In the hw_vios dashboard, right-click vio_select and select Toggle Button.

  14. Expand count_out_OBUF[7:0] to view the VIO LEDs.

    Now that the VIO is set up, you are ready to analyze the design.

  15. Toggle the vio_select button to control the hardware from the VIO.
  16. Press the pause_vio_out button to pause the counter.
  17. Press the toggle_vio_out button to select between the count and the multiplier result.
  18. Press the reset_vio_out button to reset the counter.