IN_FIFO - 2023.2 English - UG953

Vivado Design Suite 7 Series FPGA and Zynq 7000 SoC Libraries Guide (UG953)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

Primitive: Input First-In, First-Out (FIFO)


The Input FIFO is a new resource located next to the I/O. This dedicated hardware is designed to help transition the data from the input port, input register, IDDR, or ISERDESE2 to the fabric. It has two basic modes. The first is a 4x4 mode where the data coming into the FIFO goes out at the same rate. The second mode is a 4x8 mode where the data coming out is de-serialized by a factor of 2. In other words in 4x8 mode 4-bits go to the IN_FIFO and 8-bits come out. Features of this component include:

  • Array dimensions: 80 wide, 8 deep (4x8 mode); 40 wide, 8 deep (4x4 mode)
  • Empty and Full flags
  • Programmable Almost Empty and Almost Full flags

Port Descriptions

Port Direction Width Function
ALMOSTEMPTY Output 1 Active-High output flag indicating the FIFO is almost empty. The threshold of the almost empty flag is set by the ALMOST_EMPTY_VALUE attribute.
ALMOSTFULL Output 1 Active-High output flag indicating the FIFO is almost full. The threshold of the almost empty flag is set by the ALMOST_FULL_VALUE attribute.
D0<3:0> Input 4 Channel 0 input bus.
D1<3:0> Input 4 Channel 1 input bus.
D2<3:0> Input 4 Channel 2 input bus.
D3<3:0> Input 4 Channel 3 input bus.
D4<3:0> Input 4 Channel 4 input bus.
D5<7:0> Input 8 Channel 5 input bus.
D6<7:0> Input 8 Channel 6 input bus.
D7<3:0> Input 4 Channel 7 input bus.
D8<3:0> Input 4 Channel 8 input bus.
D9<3:0> Input 4 Channel 9 input bus.
EMPTY Output 1 Active-High output flag indicating the FIFO is empty.
FULL Output 1 Active-High output flag indicating the FIFO is full.
Q0<7:0> Output 8 Channel 0 input bus.
Q1<7:0> Output 8 Channel 1 output bus.
Q2<7:0> Output 8 Channel 2 output bus.
Q3<7:0> Output 8 Channel 3 output bus.
Q4<7:0> Output 8 Channel 4 output bus.
Q5<7:0> Output 8 Channel 5 output bus.
Q6<7:0> Output 8 Channel 6 output bus.
Q7<7:0> Output 8 Channel 7 output bus.
Q8<7:0> Output 8 Channel 8 output bus.
Q9<7:0> Output 8 Channel 9 output bus.
RDCLK Input 1 Read clock.
RDEN Input 1 Active-High read enable.
RESET Input 1 Active-High asynchronous reset.
WRCLK Input 1 Write clock.
WREN Input 1 Active-High write enable.

Design Entry Method

Instantiation Yes
Inference No
IP Catalog No
Macro support No

Available Attributes

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
ALMOST_EMPTY _VALUE DECIMAL 1, 2 1 Specifies the number of entries left before asserting the ALMOSTEMPTY output signal.
ALMOST_FULL _VALUE DECIMAL 1, 2 1 Specifies the number of entries left before asserting the ALMOSTFULL output signal.
ARRAY_MODE STRING "ARRAY_MODE_4_X_8", "ARRAY_MODE_4_X_4" "ARRAY_MODE_4_X_8" Specifies deserializer mode:
  • "ARRAY_MODE_4_X_8": Four bits in, eight bits out
  • "ARRAY_MODE_4_X_4": Four bits in, four bits out
SYNCHRONOUS _MODE STRING "FALSE" "FALSE" Specify whether the RDCLK and WRCLK are synchronous to each other.

VHDL Instantiation Template

Unless they already exist, copy the following two statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- IN_FIFO: Input First-In, First-Out (FIFO)
--          7 Series
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2023.2

generic map (
   ALMOST_EMPTY_VALUE => 1,          -- Almost empty offset (1-2)
   ALMOST_FULL_VALUE => 1,           -- Almost full offset (1-2)
   SYNCHRONOUS_MODE => "FALSE"       -- Clock synchronous (FALSE)
port map (
   -- FIFO Status Flags: 1-bit (each) output: Flags and other FIFO status outputs
   ALMOSTEMPTY => ALMOSTEMPTY, -- 1-bit output: Almost empty
   ALMOSTFULL => ALMOSTFULL,   -- 1-bit output: Almost full
   EMPTY => EMPTY,             -- 1-bit output: Empty
   FULL => FULL,               -- 1-bit output: Full
   -- Q0-Q9: 8-bit (each) output: FIFO Outputs
   Q0 => Q0,                   -- 8-bit output: Channel 0
   Q1 => Q1,                   -- 8-bit output: Channel 1
   Q2 => Q2,                   -- 8-bit output: Channel 2
   Q3 => Q3,                   -- 8-bit output: Channel 3
   Q4 => Q4,                   -- 8-bit output: Channel 4
   Q5 => Q5,                   -- 8-bit output: Channel 5
   Q6 => Q6,                   -- 8-bit output: Channel 6
   Q7 => Q7,                   -- 8-bit output: Channel 7
   Q8 => Q8,                   -- 8-bit output: Channel 8
   Q9 => Q9,                   -- 8-bit output: Channel 9
   -- D0-D9: 4-bit (each) input: FIFO inputs
   D0 => D0,                   -- 4-bit input: Channel 0
   D1 => D1,                   -- 4-bit input: Channel 1
   D2 => D2,                   -- 4-bit input: Channel 2
   D3 => D3,                   -- 4-bit input: Channel 3
   D4 => D4,                   -- 4-bit input: Channel 4
   D5 => D5,                   -- 8-bit input: Channel 5
   D6 => D6,                   -- 8-bit input: Channel 6
   D7 => D7,                   -- 4-bit input: Channel 7
   D8 => D8,                   -- 4-bit input: Channel 8
   D9 => D9,                   -- 4-bit input: Channel 9
   -- FIFO Control Signals: 1-bit (each) input: Clocks, Resets and Enables
   RDCLK => RDCLK,             -- 1-bit input: Read clock
   RDEN => RDEN,               -- 1-bit input: Read enable
   RESET => RESET,             -- 1-bit input: Reset
   WRCLK => WRCLK,             -- 1-bit input: Write clock
   WREN => WREN                -- 1-bit input: Write enable

-- End of IN_FIFO_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// IN_FIFO: Input First-In, First-Out (FIFO)
//          7 Series
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2023.2

   .ALMOST_EMPTY_VALUE(1),          // Almost empty offset (1-2)
   .ALMOST_FULL_VALUE(1),           // Almost full offset (1-2)
   .SYNCHRONOUS_MODE("FALSE")       // Clock synchronous (FALSE)
IN_FIFO_inst (
   // FIFO Status Flags: 1-bit (each) output: Flags and other FIFO status outputs
   .ALMOSTEMPTY(ALMOSTEMPTY), // 1-bit output: Almost empty
   .ALMOSTFULL(ALMOSTFULL),   // 1-bit output: Almost full
   .EMPTY(EMPTY),             // 1-bit output: Empty
   .FULL(FULL),               // 1-bit output: Full
   // Q0-Q9: 8-bit (each) output: FIFO Outputs
   .Q0(Q0),                   // 8-bit output: Channel 0
   .Q1(Q1),                   // 8-bit output: Channel 1
   .Q2(Q2),                   // 8-bit output: Channel 2
   .Q3(Q3),                   // 8-bit output: Channel 3
   .Q4(Q4),                   // 8-bit output: Channel 4
   .Q5(Q5),                   // 8-bit output: Channel 5
   .Q6(Q6),                   // 8-bit output: Channel 6
   .Q7(Q7),                   // 8-bit output: Channel 7
   .Q8(Q8),                   // 8-bit output: Channel 8
   .Q9(Q9),                   // 8-bit output: Channel 9
   // D0-D9: 4-bit (each) input: FIFO inputs
   .D0(D0),                   // 4-bit input: Channel 0
   .D1(D1),                   // 4-bit input: Channel 1
   .D2(D2),                   // 4-bit input: Channel 2
   .D3(D3),                   // 4-bit input: Channel 3
   .D4(D4),                   // 4-bit input: Channel 4
   .D5(D5),                   // 8-bit input: Channel 5
   .D6(D6),                   // 8-bit input: Channel 6
   .D7(D7),                   // 4-bit input: Channel 7
   .D8(D8),                   // 4-bit input: Channel 8
   .D9(D9),                   // 4-bit input: Channel 9
   // FIFO Control Signals: 1-bit (each) input: Clocks, Resets and Enables
   .RDCLK(RDCLK),             // 1-bit input: Read clock
   .RDEN(RDEN),               // 1-bit input: Read enable
   .RESET(RESET),             // 1-bit input: Reset
   .WRCLK(WRCLK),             // 1-bit input: Write clock
   .WREN(WREN)                // 1-bit input: Write enable

// End of IN_FIFO_inst instantiation

Related Information

  • 7 Series FPGAs SelectIO Resources User Guide (UG471)