Functional Categories - 2023.2 English - UG953

Vivado Design Suite 7 Series FPGA and Zynq 7000 SoC Libraries Guide (UG953)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

This section categorizes, by function, the circuit design elements for 7 series FPGAs and AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC devices described in detail later in this guide. The elements (primitives and macros) are listed in alphanumeric order under each functional category.


Design Element Description
XADC Primitive: Dual 12-Bit 1MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter

Arithmetic Functions

Design Element Description
DSP48E1 Primitive: 48-bit Multi-Functional Arithmetic Block

Clock Components

Design Element Description
BUFG Primitive: Global Clock Simple Buffer
BUFGCE Primitive: Global Clock Buffer with Clock Enable
BUFGCE_1 Primitive: Global Clock Buffer with Clock Enable and Output State 1
BUFGCTRL Primitive: Global Clock Control Buffer
BUFGMUX Primitive: Global Clock Mux Buffer
BUFGMUX_1 Primitive: Global Clock Mux Buffer with Output State 1
BUFGMUX_CTRL Primitive: 2-to-1 Global Clock MUX Buffer
BUFH Primitive: HROW Clock Buffer for a Single Clocking Region
BUFHCE Primitive: HROW Clock Buffer for a Single Clocking Region with Clock Enable
BUFIO Primitive: Local Clock Buffer for I/O
BUFMR Primitive: Multi-Region Clock Buffer
BUFMRCE Primitive: Multi-Region Clock Buffer with Clock Enable
BUFR Primitive: Regional Clock Buffer for I/O and Logic Resources within a Clock Region
MMCME2_ADV Primitive: Advanced Mixed Mode Clock Manager
MMCME2_BASE Primitive: Base Mixed Mode Clock Manager
PLLE2_ADV Primitive: Advanced Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
PLLE2_BASE Primitive: Base Phase Locked Loop (PLL)

Config/BSCAN Components

Design Element Description
BSCANE2 Primitive: Boundary-Scan User Instruction
CAPTUREE2 Primitive: Register Capture
DNA_PORT Primitive: Device DNA Access Port
EFUSE_USR Primitive: 32-bit non-volatile design ID
FRAME_ECCE2 Primitive: Configuration Frame Error Correction
ICAPE2 Primitive: Internal Configuration Access Port
STARTUPE2 Primitive: STARTUP Block
USR_ACCESSE2 Primitive: Configuration Data Access

I/O Components

Design Element Description
DCIRESET Primitive: Digitally Controlled Impedance Reset Component
IBUF Primitive: Input Buffer
IBUF_IBUFDISABLE Primitive: Single-ended Input Buffer with Input Disable
IBUF_INTERMDISABLE Primitive: Single-ended Input Buffer with Input Termination Disable and Input Disable
IBUFDS Primitive: Differential Signaling Input Buffer
IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT Primitive: Differential Signaling Input Buffer With Differential Output
IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT _IBUFDISABLE Primitive: Input Differential Buffer with Input Disable and Differential Output
IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT _INTERMDISABLE Primitive: Input Differential Buffer with Input Termination Disable, Input Disable, and Differential Output
IBUFDS_IBUFDISABLE Primitive: Input Differential Buffer with Input Path Disable
IBUFDS_INTERMDISABLE Primitive: Input Differential Buffer with Input Termination Disable and Input Disable
IBUFDS_GTE2 Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver Buffer
IDELAYCTRL Primitive: IDELAYE2/ODELAYE2 Tap Delay Value Control
IDELAYE2 Primitive: Input Fixed or Variable Delay Element
IN_FIFO Primitive: Input First-In, First-Out (FIFO)
IOBUF Primitive: Bi-Directional Buffer
IOBUF_DCIEN Primitive: Bi-Directional Single-ended Buffer with DCI and Input Disable.
IOBUF_INTERMDISABLE Primitive: Bi-Directional Single-ended Buffer with Input Termination Disable and Input Path Disable
IOBUFDS Primitive: 3-State Differential Signaling I/O Buffer with Active-Low Output Enable
IOBUFDS_DCIEN Primitive: Bi-Directional Differential Buffer with DCI Enable/Disable and Input Disable
IOBUFDS_DIFF_OUT Primitive: Differential Bi-directional Buffer with Differential Output
IOBUFDS_DIFF_OUT_DCIEN Primitive: Bi-Directional Differential Buffer with DCI Disable, Input Disable, and Differential Output
IOBUFDS_DIFF_OUT _INTERMDISABLE Primitive: Bi-Directional Differential Buffer with Input Termination Disable, Input Disable, and Differential Output
IOBUFDS_INTERMDISABLE Primitive: Bi-Directional Differential Buffer with Input Termination Disable and Input Disable
ISERDESE2 Primitive: Input SERial/DESerializer with Bitslip
KEEPER Primitive: KEEPER Symbol
OBUF Primitive: Output Buffer
OBUFDS Primitive: Differential Signaling Output Buffer
OBUFT Primitive: 3-State Output Buffer with Active-Low Output Enable
OBUFTDS Primitive: 3-State Output Buffer with Differential Signaling, Active-Low Output Enable
ODELAYE2 Primitive: Output Fixed or Variable Delay Element
OSERDESE2 Primitive: Output SERial/DESerializer with bitslip
OUT_FIFO Primitive: Output First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Buffer
PULLDOWN Primitive: Resistor to GND for Input Pads, Open-Drain, and 3-State Outputs
PULLUP Primitive: Resistor to VCC for Input PADs, Open-Drain, and 3-State Outputs


Design Element Description
FIFO18E1 Primitive: 18Kb FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Block RAM Memory
FIFO36E1 Primitive: 36Kb FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Block RAM Memory
RAM128X1D Primitive: 128-Deep by 1-Wide Dual Port Random Access Memory (Select RAM)
RAM128X1S Primitive: 128-Deep by 1-Wide Random Access Memory (Select RAM)
RAM256X1S Primitive: 256-Deep by 1-Wide Random Access Memory (Select RAM)
RAM32M Primitive: 32-Deep by 8-bit Wide Multi Port Random Access Memory (Select RAM)
RAM32X1D Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide Static Dual Port Synchronous RAM
RAM32X1S Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM
RAM32X1S_1 Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM with Negative-Edge Clock
RAM32X2S Primitive: 32-Deep by 2-Wide Static Synchronous RAM
RAM64M Primitive: 64-Deep by 4-bit Wide Multi Port Random Access Memory (Select RAM)
RAM64X1D Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide Dual Port Static Synchronous RAM
RAM64X1S Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM
RAM64X1S_1 Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM with Negative-Edge Clock
RAMB18E1 Primitive: 18K-bit Configurable Synchronous Block RAM
RAMB36E1 Primitive: 36K-bit Configurable Synchronous Block RAM
ROM128X1 Primitive: 128-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM256X1 Primitive: 256-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM32X1 Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM64X1 Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide ROM


Design Element Description
FDCE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Asynchronous Clear
FDPE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Asynchronous Preset
FDRE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Synchronous Reset
FDSE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Synchronous Set
IDDR Primitive: Input Double Data-Rate Register
IDDR_2CLK Primitive: Input Double Data-Rate Register with Dual Clock Inputs
LDCE Primitive: Transparent Data Latch with Asynchronous Clear and Gate Enable
LDPE Primitive: Transparent Data Latch with Asynchronous Preset and Gate Enable
ODDR Primitive: Dedicated Double Data Rate (DDR) Output Register

Slice/CLB Primitives

Design Element Description
CARRY4 Primitive: Fast Carry Logic with Look Ahead
CFGLUT5 Primitive: 5-input Dynamically Reconfigurable Look-Up Table (LUT)
LUT1 Primitive: 1-Bit Look-Up Table with General Output
LUT2 Primitive: 2-Bit Look-Up Table with General Output
LUT3 Primitive: 3-Bit Look-Up Table with General Output
LUT4 Primitive: 4-Bit Look-Up-Table with General Output
LUT5 Primitive: 5-Input Lookup Table with General Output
LUT6 Primitive: 6-Input Lookup Table with General Output
LUT6_2 Primitive: Six-input, 2-output, Look-Up Table
MUXF7 Primitive: 2-to-1 Look-Up Table Multiplexer with General Output
MUXF8 Primitive: 2-to-1 Look-Up Table Multiplexer with General Output
SRL16E Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Clock Enable
SRLC32E Primitive: 32 Clock Cycle, Variable Length Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Clock Enable