Primitive: Configuration Frame Error Correction
This design element enables the dedicated, built-in Error Correction Code (ECC) for the configuration memory of the FPGA. This element contains outputs that allow monitoring of the status of the ECC circuitry and the status of the readback CRC circuitry.
Port Descriptions
Port | Direction | Width | Function |
CRCERROR | Output | 1 | Output indicating a CRC error. |
ECCERROR | Output | 1 | Output indicating an ECC error. |
ECCERRORSINGLE | Output | 1 | Output Indicating single-bit Frame ECC error detected. |
FAR<25:0> | Output | 26 | Frame Address Register Value output. |
SYNBIT<4:0> | Output | 5 | Output bit address of error. |
SYNDROME<12:0> | Output | 13 | Output location of erroneous bit. |
SYNDROMEVALID | Output | 1 | Frame ECC output indicating the SYNDROME output is valid. |
SYNWORD<6:0> | Output | 7 | Word output in the frame where an ECC error has been detected. |
Design Entry Method
Instantiation | Recommended |
Inference | No |
IP Catalog | No |
Macro support | No |
Available Attributes
Attribute | Type | Allowed Values | Default | Description |
FARSRC | STRING | "EFAR", "FAR" | "EFAR" | Sedts whether the output of the FAR[25:0] configuration register points to the FAR or EFAR. Sets configuration option register bit CTL0[7]. |
FRAME_RBT_IN _FILENAME | STRING | String representing file name and location | “NONE” | This file is output by the ICAP_E2 model and it contains Frame Data information for the Raw Bitstream (RBT) file. The FRAME_ECCE2 model will parse this file, calculate ECC and output any error conditions. |
VHDL Instantiation Template
Unless they already exist, copy the following
two statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- FRAME_ECCE2: Configuration Frame Error Correction
-- 7 Series
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2023.2
generic map (
FARSRC => "EFAR", -- Determines if the output of FAR[25:0] configuration register points
-- to the FAR or EFAR. Sets configuration option register bit CTL0[7].
FRAME_RBT_IN_FILENAME => "NONE" -- This file is output by the ICAP_E2 model and it contains Frame Data
-- information for the Raw Bitstream (RBT) file. The FRAME_ECCE2 model
-- will parse this file, calculate ECC and output any error conditions.
port map (
CRCERROR => CRCERROR, -- 1-bit output: Output indicating a CRC error.
ECCERROR => ECCERROR, -- 1-bit output: Output indicating an ECC error.
ECCERRORSINGLE => ECCERRORSINGLE, -- 1-bit output: Output Indicating single-bit Frame ECC error detected.
FAR => FAR, -- 26-bit output: Frame Address Register Value output.
SYNBIT => SYNBIT, -- 5-bit output: Output bit address of error.
SYNDROME => SYNDROME, -- 13-bit output: Output location of erroneous bit.
SYNDROMEVALID => SYNDROMEVALID, -- 1-bit output: Frame ECC output indicating the SYNDROME output is
-- valid.
SYNWORD => SYNWORD -- 7-bit output: Word output in the frame where an ECC error has been
-- detected.
-- End of FRAME_ECCE2_inst instantiation
Verilog Instantiation Template
// FRAME_ECCE2: Configuration Frame Error Correction
// 7 Series
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2023.2
.FARSRC("EFAR"), // Determines if the output of FAR[25:0] configuration register points to
// the FAR or EFAR. Sets configuration option register bit CTL0[7].
.FRAME_RBT_IN_FILENAME("NONE") // This file is output by the ICAP_E2 model and it contains Frame Data
// information for the Raw Bitstream (RBT) file. The FRAME_ECCE2 model
// will parse this file, calculate ECC and output any error conditions.
FRAME_ECCE2_inst (
.CRCERROR(CRCERROR), // 1-bit output: Output indicating a CRC error.
.ECCERROR(ECCERROR), // 1-bit output: Output indicating an ECC error.
.ECCERRORSINGLE(ECCERRORSINGLE), // 1-bit output: Output Indicating single-bit Frame ECC error detected.
.FAR(FAR), // 26-bit output: Frame Address Register Value output.
.SYNBIT(SYNBIT), // 5-bit output: Output bit address of error.
.SYNDROME(SYNDROME), // 13-bit output: Output location of erroneous bit.
.SYNDROMEVALID(SYNDROMEVALID), // 1-bit output: Frame ECC output indicating the SYNDROME output is
// valid.
.SYNWORD(SYNWORD) // 7-bit output: Word output in the frame where an ECC error has been
// detected.
// End of FRAME_ECCE2_inst instantiation
Related Information
- 7 Series FPGAs Configuration User Guide (UG470)