Step 1: Create a Project - 2023.2 English - UG939

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Designing with IP (UG939)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
  1. Invoke a text editor of your choice, such as Emacs, VI, or Notepad; or launch the Text Editor from within the Vivado IDE.
  2. Save a new file called project_run.tcl in <Extract_Dir>/lab_3.

    You start your script by creating a new project using the create_project command.

    This results in a new project directory created on disk. However, you want to make sure that the project is created in the right location to find source files referenced by the script.

  3. Add the following line to your Tcl script to change to the appropriate directory for this lab:
    cd <extract_dir>/lab_3

    Now you are ready to create your project.

  4. Add the following Tcl command to your project_run.tcl script:
    create_project -force -part xc7k70tfbg484-3 my_project my_project

    This command creates a directory called my_project, and adds a project named my_project to that directory. The directory and project are created at the location where the script is run. You can specify a different directory name with the -dir option of the create_project command.

    All the reports and log files, design runs, project state, and any source files that you import into the project are stored in the project directory..

    The target AMD part for this project is specified by the -part xc7k70t option. If -part is not specified, the default part for the Vivado release is used.
    Tip: You can use the set_property command to change the part at a later time, for example: set_property part xc7k325tfbg900-2 [current_project]

    The -force option is technically not required, because the project directory should not exist prior to running this script. However, if the project directory does exist, the script errors out unless the -force option is specified, which overwrites the existing directory and all its contents.

    See the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835), or at the Tcl prompt type help <command_name>, for more information on the create_project command, or any other Tcl command used in this tutorial.