Step 3: Analyzing the Reports and Log File - 2023.2 English - UG938

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG938)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
In this task, you see where to find reports and analyze runs and intermediate checkpoints from an intelligent design run.
  1. If the window is not already open, select Reports > Intelligent Design Run Reports. This window captures all the metrics that are captured throughout the IDR and provides links to any generated reports.

    The report is broken into two windows. The Flow Progress section is in the top half. This details which steps have been run and which steps are running currently. This is more important for an IDR as opposed to a standard implementation run for the following reasons:
    • The IDR is a dynamic run, and not all stages are run for every design.
    • The steps might be run repeatedly as the run is reset to apply QoR suggestions.
    The Flow Statistics section is in the bottom half, and provides the following:
    • Hyperlinks to any available reports
    • Timing metrics such as WNS/TNS/WHS/THS
    • RQA score
    • Congestion level and tile % metrics for post-place and post-route designs
  2. Focus in on the Flow Progress section of the report.

    • Green ticks indicate a completed stage.
    • Hyphens indicate the stage is not run.
    • Circles indicate the stage is running.

    Because there are no circle icons, you can infer that the run has completed successfully. Note also the FIRST_PASS step that is generated for reporting purposes. This special step occurs when there are no utilization or clock suggestions. Only designs without these suggestions have this step.

    At the bottom, there is a table footer that describes the meaning of the the $ and * notations. These notations help you identify which runs you are opening when you select Open Run.

  3. Look at the Flow Statistics section of the report. This report can be larger, and you can make more space by reducing the divider between the section above and clicking on the arrows to reduce sections of the report.

    On the left of this window are the reports, in the middle are the timing and RQA statistics, and on the right are the congestion metrics. Statistics are only available if the flow stage has been run, or if the flow stage generates the statistics. For example, during place, hold statistics are not generated.

  4. Expand FIRST_PASS and click postplace_physopt_first_pass_util.rpt. Pay attention to the name of this report: postplace_phys_opt indicates the implementation step and first_pass indicates the flow step. When you are ready, close the report.
  5. In the Intelligent Design Runs window, right-click impl_1_1 and select Open Run Directory. In this directory, open the idr_flow_summary.rpt file. This is the text equivalent to the IDE report. It contains the same information except the links to the report. When you are ready, close the file.
  6. In the directory explorer, go up one level to the project_1.runs folder. There is a directory for the main IDR and each of the sub-runs. Click into impl_1_1_rqs. Here, you can see all the reports and intermediate checkpoints. When you are ready, close the directory explorer.
  7. In the Intelligent Design Runs window, select the top-level run impl_1_1.
  8. In the Implementation Run Properties window, select the Log tab and maximize the window.
  9. Select the search icon and enter "IDR 1-60". Click Next multiple times to navigate through the log file. This ID highlights the start and end banners that have been added when you enter and exit a step within Stage 1: Design Optimization.

    It can be difficult to identify which step you are in as the implementation process goes back and forth, . These messages can help clarify this.
  10. Search for "INFO-TUTORIAL4." This has been inserted by the Tcl script you added in Step 1. This Tcl script is executed every time opt_design is called. In this case, opt_design is called only once, so it is similar to a normal flow.