VCCAUX_IO - 2023.2 English - UG912

Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide (UG912)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

VCCAUX_IO specifies the operating voltage of the VCCAUX_IO rail for a given I/O. DRCs are available to ensure that VCCAUX_IO property assignments are correct:

  • VCCAUXIOBT (warning): Ensures that ports with VCCAUX_IO values of NORMAL or HIGH are only placed in HP banks.
  • VCCAUXIOSTD (warning): Ensures that ports with VCCAUX_IO values of NORMAL or HIGH do not use IOSTANDARDs that are only supported in HR banks.
  • VCCAUXIO (error): Ensures that ports with VCCAUX_IO values of NORMAL are not constrained/placed in the same bank as a port with a VCCAUX_IO value of HIGH.
Architecture Support
7 series FPGAs and Zynq 7000 SoC devices on High Performance (HP) bank I/O only.
Applicable Objects
Ports (get_ports).
  • DONTCARE (default)
  • HIGH


Verilog Syntax

To set this attribute, place the proper Verilog attribute syntax before the top-level output port declaration.

Verilog Syntax Example:
// Specifies a “HIGH” voltage for the VCCAUX_IO rail connected to this I/O 
(* VCCAUX_IO = "HIGH" *) input ACT3,
VHDL Syntax

To set this attribute, place the proper VHDL attribute syntax before the top-level output port declaration.

Declare the VHDL attribute as follows:

attribute VCCAUX_IO : string;

Specify the VHDL attribute as follows:

attribute VCCAUX_IO of port_name : signal is value;

Where port_name is a top-level port.

VHDL Syntax Example:

ACT3 : in std_logic; 
attribute VCCAUX_IO : string;
-- Specifies a HIGH voltage for the VCCAUX_IO rail connected to this I/O 
attribute VCCAUX_IO of ACT3 : signal is “HIGH”;
XDC Syntax
set_property VCCAUX_IO value [get_ports port_name]

Where port_name is a top-level port.

XDC Syntax Example:

# Specifies a HIGH voltage for the VCCAUX_IO rail connected to this I/O 
set_property VCCAUX_IO HIGH [get_ports ACT3]

Affected Steps

  • I/O Planning
  • Place Design
  • report_power