Logical Connectivity Contents - 2023.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

When the Abstract Shell is created, some static logic is included in the Abstract Shell, based on connectivity. All interface paths to and from the RP, up to their first synchronous element, are included so that timing closure can be done on these paths. The static side of these interface paths, up to the partition pin or first element, are locked, but the full path information must be included for timing analysis. This logic may be inside or outside the expanded routing region for the RP pblock. Other static logic in the expanded routing region is removed as long as it has no impact on placement, routing, or timing closure for the RP in that Abstract Shell. When this occurs, programming information in the partial bitstream is skipped, allowing that logic to continue operating during reconfiguration.

Information related to clocks and resets is also included in the Abstract Shell to create a complete picture of the context needed to implement each RM and confirm all timing constraints are met. This means preserving clock sources and clock modifying blocks such as clock buffers, MMCM, or PLL elements, as well as their connectivity, feedback paths, clocks driving boundary logic, and connections to external ports. It also includes anything else that has an impact on RM implementation. This information is used to supply a complete timing picture for the RP so that each RM to be implemented has the same operating conditions and constraints as when using a full static design shell.

For example, the full clock source path to an RP is captured in the Abstract Shell, including clock buffers and clock modifying blocks, as well as the clocking constraints needed to define the clock requirements.

Figure 1. Full Clock Path within an Abstract Shell
create_clock -period 10.000 [get_ports clk_in1_p]