Design Instance Hierarchy - 2023.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

The most simple method is to instantiate the RPs in the top-level module, but this is not required because a RP may be located in any level of hierarchy. Each RP must correspond to exactly one instance—an RP must not have more than one top. The instantiation has multiple modules with which it is associated.

Changes in design hierarchy can be used to merge and/or separate modules and leaf cells into and out of an RP level of hierarchy. There are several reasons to do this:

  • To balance device resources between the dynamic region and static region, making the design more efficient. For example, if the target RP takes up most of the device, and there is a module in the static region that requires a high number of Block RAMs unavailable to Static, you can move that module into the dynamic region.
  • If you need cells to reside in the same physical area of the device, but they are in a different design hierarchy. For example, if you need GT_CHANNELS to be placed in the same UltraScale Clock Region, but the design has GTs in both the Static and RP regions.
  • To ensure that dedicated connections, for example from IBUFDS_GT to GT_COMMON, reside in the same region.