Defining Netlist Sources - 2023.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

Netlist sources (EDIF, DCP) cannot be included in the current design hierarchy when the Partition Definition is initially created via the Vivado IDE. However, you can use the Tcl Console to call the underlying commands directly. For example:

create_partition_def -name <RP_name> -module <RM_name>

create_reconfig_module -name <RM_name> -top <RM_top> -partition_def [get_partition_defs <RP_name>] -gate_level

The -gate_level switch indicates that the RM is comprised of a single post-synthesis netlist (either EDIF or DCP). If the component declaration is provided in the top-level design to define the instantiation port list (size and direction), a stub file is not needed.

After the partition is defined, you can move or add sources as needed. For example, if an EDIF or DCP source was present in the instantiation when the partition definition was created, that source must now be moved to the partition definition. For example:

move_files [get_files <RM_name>.<edf|dcp>] -of_objects [get_reconfig_modules <RP_name>]

After the partition definition for the RP is created for the first RM, you can use the standard approach to add new RMs through the DFX Wizard. When creating a new EDIF or DCP RM in the DFX Wizard, you must enable the Sources are already synthesized option. When supplying a netlist source, you must also declare the top module name in the Top Module Name field.

Figure 1. Adding Netlist Sources in the DFX Wizard