DRCs for NoC Paths Across DFX Boundaries - 2023.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

When working with NoC paths that cross DFX boundaries, you must adhere to the following path ownership rules. If you do not adhere to these rules, Design Rule Check (DRC) violations might occur.

  • When an NMU in a static region drives an NSU in a dynamic region, path ownership must stay with the driver in the static region. Failure to adhere to this requirement can trigger the following DRC violation in the Vivado IP integrator:
    [BD 41-2479] NoC DFX Rule: NoC paths must be owned by the static if 
    they have a static NoC master (must have INI strategy=load). 
    To fix: set the INI strategy on INI interfaces for this path to 'load'
  • For DFX designs that have multiple reconfigurable partitions (RPs), when a boundary path is owned by the dynamic region, the static NSU can be driven by the NMU of only one reconfigurable partition. When there are multiple RPs in a design, both the RPs can be swapped independently in the hardware, and this can lead to conflicting QoS requirements for the static NSU. If you do not adhere to this rule, the IP integrator issues the following DRC violation:
    [BD 41-2480] NoC DFX Rule: Static NoC slave can connect to at most one RP 
    where the noc master owns the path (INI strategy=load).To fix: Only have one RP drive the NoC slave.
    Note: A boundary path can be owned by the dynamic region only if the path has an NMU in a dynamic region driving an NSU in a static region.
  • NoC Endpoints of the boundary NoC path can be owned by either the static region or by the dynamic region, not both. If you try to connect a NoC Endpoint to multiple INIs of a different strategy, the IP integrator issues the following DRC violation:
    [BD 41-2477] NoC DFX Rule: NoC Endpoints can only connect to one type of 
    INI strategy (either driver or load, but not both) at the RP boundary.
  • NoC paths cannot have a pass-through across dynamic regions if there are no NMUs or NSUs for the path inside the dynamic region. If you fail to adhere to this rule and use an INI interface as an input to the dynamic region directly connected to another INI interface in the output, the IP integrator issues the following DRC violation:
    [BD 41-2476] NoC DFX Rule: An RP cannot have a NoC passthrough.
    To fix: Ensure an RP has a noc endpoint.
  • A NoC path between multiple reconfigurable partitions must have a static NoC Endpoint to establish the ownership of the path to the static region. Although NoC resources (NMU or NSU) are not used in the static region, you must instantiate the AXI NoC IP in the static region. To establish the ownership of the static region, you must configure the strategy at its ingress (RP0<->Static) and egress (Static<->RP1) INI ports. If you do not adhere to this rule, the IP integrator issues the following DRC violation:
    [BD 41-2478] NoC DFX Rule: NoC path between two RPs must be static.
    To fix: add a noc instance in the static to connect this path, 
    and have it own the path by setting the input INI strategy to driver, and the output INI strategy to load.
  • Incomplete NoC paths are not allowed. You must allocate an NMU or NSU in the dynamic region for the boundary paths even if the NMU or NSU is not used by the specific RM. Except for greybox implementations, you must add the NMU or NSU manually inside the dynamic region. For the greybox implementation, the tools automatically insert the NMU or NSU inside the dynamic region for the boundary NoC paths. If you do not adhere to this rule, the IP integrator issues the following DRC violation:
    [BD-41-2616]: Static NSU/MC should be driven by an NMU in the RM.