Adding Probes to Basic Trigger Setup Window - 2023.2 English - UG908

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

The first step in using the basic trigger mode is to decide what ILA debug probes you want to participate in the trigger condition. Do this by selecting the desired ILA debug probes from the Debug Probes window and either right-click selecting Add Probes to Basic Trigger Setup or by dragging and dropping the probes into the Basic Trigger Setup window.

Note: You can drag-and-drop the first probe anywhere in the Basic Trigger Setup window, but you must drop the second and subsequent probes on top of the first probe. The new probe is always added on top of the previously added probe in the table. You can also use drag-and-drop operations in this manner to re-arrange probes in the table.
Important: Only probes that are in the Basic Trigger Setup window participate in the trigger condition. Any probes that are not in the window are set to "don't care" values and are not used as part of the trigger condition.

You can remove probes from the Basic Trigger Setup window by selecting the probe and hitting the Delete key or by right-click selecting the Remove option.