Synplify Synthesis - 2023.2 English

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

Synplify can preserve results using the Compile Point flow. Synplify provides two different compile point flows, which are automatic and manual. In the automatic compile point mode, compile points are automatically chosen by synthesis, based on existing hierarchy and utilization estimates. This is a push button mode. Aside from enabling the flow, there is no action required on your part. To enable, check the Auto Compile Point check box in the GUI or add the following setting to the Synplify project:

set_option -automatic_compile_point 1

The manual compile point flow offers more flexibility, but requires more interaction to choose compile points. The flow involves compiling the design, then using either the SCOPE editor Compile Points tab or the define_compile_point setting. For further information on compile point flows, see the Synplify online help.