Implementation Strategy Descriptions - 2023.2 English

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
Table 1. Implementation Strategy Descriptions
Implementation Strategy Name Description
AMD Vivado™ Implementation Defaults Balances runtime with trying to achieve timing closure.
Performance_Explore Uses multiple algorithms for optimization, placement, and routing to get potentially better results.
Performance_ExplorePostRoutePhysOpt Similar to Peformance_Explore but adds phys_opt_design after routing for further improvements.
Performance_LBlockPlacement Ignore timing constraints for placing block RAM and DSPs, use wirelength instead.
Performance_LBlockPlacementFanoutOpt Ignore timing constraints for placing block RAM and DSPs, use wirelength instead, and perform aggressive replication of high fanout drivers.
Performance_EarlyBlockPlaceent Finalize placement of Block RAM and DSPs in the early stages of global placement.
Performance_NetDelay_high To compensate for optimistic delay estimation, add extra delay cost to long distance and high fanout connections (high setting, most pessimistic).

To compensate for optimistic delay estimation, add extra delay cost to long distance and high fanout connections low setting, least pessimistic).

Performance_Retiming Combines retiming in phys_opt_design with extra placement optimization and higher router delay cost.
Performance_ExtraTimingOpt Runs additional timing-driven optimizations to potentially improve overall timing slack.
Performance_RefinePlacement Increase placer effort in the post-placement optimization phase, and disable timing relaxation in the router.
Performance_SpreadSLL A placement variation for SSI devices with tendency to spread SLR crossings horizontally.
Performance_BalanceSLL A placement variation for SSI devices with more frequent crossings of SLR boundaries.
Congestion_SpreadLogic_high Spread logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions (high setting is the highest degree of spreading).
Congestion_SpreadLogic_medium Spread logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions (medium setting is the medium degree of spreading).
Congestion_SpreadLogic_low Spread logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions (low setting is the lowest degree of spreading).
Congestion_SpreadLogic_Explore Similar to Congestion_SpreadLogic_high, but uses the Explore directive for routing.
Congestion_SSI_SpreadLogic_high Spread logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions, intended for SSI devices (high setting is the highest degree of spreading).
Congestion_SSI_SpreadLogic_low Spread logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions, intended for SSI devices (low setting is the lowest degree of spreading).
Area_Explore Uses multiple optimization algorithms to get potentially fewer LUTs.
Area_ExploreSequential Similar to Area_Explore but adds optimization across sequential cells.
Area_ExploreWithRemap Similar to Area_Explore but adds the remap optimization to compress logic levels.
Power_DefaultOpt Adds power optimization (power_opt_design) to reduce power consumption.
Power_ExploreArea Combines sequential area optimization with power optimization (power_opt_design) to reduce power consumption.
Flow_RunPhysOpt Similar to the Implementation Run Defaults, but enables the physical optimization step (phys_opt_design).
Flow_RunPostRoutePhysOpt Similar to Flow_RunPhysOpt, but enables the Post-Route physical optimization step with the -directive Explore option.
Flow_RuntimeOptimized Each implementation step trades design performance for better run time. Physical optimization (phys_opt_design) is disabled.
Flow_Quick Fastest possible runtime, all timing-driven behavior disabled. Useful for utilization estimation.