Cross Probing from Reports - 2023.2 English - UG904

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

In both Project Mode and Non-Project Mode, the Vivado IDE supports cross probing between reports and the associated design data in different windows (for example, the Device window).

  • You generate the report using a menu command or Tcl command.
  • Text reports do not support cross probing.

For example, the Reports window includes a text-based Timing Summary Report under Route Design (as shown in Figure 1).

When analyzing timing, it is helpful to see the design data associated with critical paths, including placement and routing resources in the Device window.

To regenerate the report in the Vivado IDE, select Tools > Timing > Report Timing Summary. The resulting report allows you to cross-probe among the various views of the design.