Available Directives - 2023.2 English

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
Higher placer effort in detail placement and post-placement optimization.
Wirelength-driven placement of RAM and DSP blocks. Override timing-driven placement by directing the Placer to minimize the distance of connections to and from blocks. This directive can improve timing to and from RAM and DSP blocks.
Timing-driven placement of RAM and DSP blocks. The RAM and DSP block locations are finalized early in the placement process and are used as anchors to place the remaining logic.
Increases estimated delay of high fanout and long-distance nets. This directive can improve timing of critical paths that meet timing after place_design but fail timing in route_design due to overly optimistic estimated delays. Two levels of pessimism are supported: high and low. ExtraNetDelay_high applies the highest level of pessimism.
Increases estimated delay of high fanout and long-distance nets. This directive can improve timing of critical paths that have met timing after place_design but fail timing in route_design due to overly optimistic estimated delays. Two levels of pessimism are supported: high and low. ExtraNetDelay_low applies the lowest level of pessimism.
Spreads logic throughout the SSI device to avoid creating congested regions. Two levels are supported: high and low. SpreadLogic_high achieves the highest level of spreading.
Spreads logic throughout the SSI device to avoid creating congested regions. Two levels are supported: high and low. SpreadLogic_low achieves a minimal level of spreading.
Spreads logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions. Three levels are supported: high, medium, and low. AltSpreadLogic_high achieves the highest level of spreading.
Spreads logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions. Three levels are supported: high, medium, and low. AltSpreadLogic_medium achieves a nominal level of spreading.
Spreads logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions. Three levels are supported: high, medium, and low. AltSpreadLogic_low achieves a minimal level of spreading.
Higher placer effort in post-placement optimization.
Use an alternate set of algorithms for timing-driven placement during the later stages.
Partition across SLRs and allocate extra area for regions of higher connectivity.
Partition across SLRs while attempting to balance SLLs between SLRs.
Partition across SLRs to balance number of cells between SLRs.
Force the placer to attempt to place logic closer together in each SLR.
Run fewest iterations, trade higher design performance for faster run time.
Absolute, fastest run time, non-timing-driven, performs the minimum required for a legal design.
Run place_design with default settings.
Instructs place_design to select the directive specified by the report_qor_suggestion strategy suggestion. Requires an RQS file with a strategy suggestion to be read in prior to calling this directive.