The following examples present typical uses of the set_input_delay
command options. For additional information about
input delay constraint methodology, refer to section Constraining Input and Output Ports in the
UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for FPGAs and SoCs
Input Delay Example One
This example defines an input delay relative to a previously defined
for both min and max analysis.
> create_clock -name sysClk -period 10 [get_ports CLK0]
> set_input_delay -clock sysClk 2 [get_ports DIN]
Input Delay Example Two
This example defines an input delay relative to a previously defined virtual clock.
> create_clock -name clk_port_virt -period 10
> set_input_delay -clock clk_port_virt 2 [get_ports DIN]
Input Delay Example Three
This example defines a different input delay value for min analysis and max
analysis relative to sysClk
> create_clock -name sysClk -period 10 [get_ports CLK0]
> set_input_delay -clock sysClk -max 4 [get_ports DIN]
> set_input_delay -clock sysClk -min 1 [get_ports DIN]
Input Delay Example Four
To constrain pure combinational paths between I/O ports, an input and output delay must be defined on the I/O ports relative to a previously defined virtual clock.
The example below sets a 5 ns (10 ns - 4 ns - 1 ns) constraint on the combinational path between ports DIN and DOUT:
> create_clock -name sysClk -period 10
> set_input_delay -clock sysClk 4 [get_ports DIN]
> set_output_delay -clock sysClk 1 [get_ports DOUT]
Refer to Combinational Delays for further information about constraining combinational paths using the timing constraints Wizard.
Input Delay Example Five
This example specifies input delay value relative to a DDR clock.
> create_clock -name clk_ddr -period 6 [get_ports DDR_CLK_IN]
> set_input_delay -clock clk_ddr -max 2.1 [get_ports DDR_IN]
> set_input_delay -clock clk_ddr -max 1.9 [get_ports DDR_IN] -clock_fall -add_delay
> set_input_delay -clock clk_ddr -min 0.9 [get_ports DDR_IN]
> set_input_delay -clock clk_ddr -min 1.1 [get_ports DDR_IN] -clock_fall -add_delay
This example creates constraints from data launched by both rising and falling edges
of the clk_ddr
clock outside the device to the data input of the
internal flip-flop that is sensitive to both rising and falling clock edges.
Input Delay Example Six
This example specifies the clock and input delay on the STARTUPE3 internal pins (AMD UltraScale+™ devices) to time the paths from STARTUPE3 to the fabric.
> create_generated_clock -name clk_sck -source [get_pins -hierarchical*axi_quad_spi_0/ext_spi_clk] [get_pins STARTUP/CCLK] -edges {3 5 7}
> set_input_delay -clock clk_sck -max 7 [get_pins STARTUP/DATA_IN[*]] -clock_fall
> set_input_delay -clock clk_sck -min 1 [get_pins STARTUP/DATA_IN[*]] -clock_fall
For more information on timing constraints for STARTUPE3, refer to the AXI Quad SPI LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG153).