Interpreting the Log File - 2023.2 English - UG901

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

When the reference run is performed, the tool partitions out the design as it is performing synthesis. When the incremental run is started, it compares the elaborated design with the reference run and identifies the changed modules. The partitioning from the reference run is initialized in the incremental run. The partitions that contain the changed modules and the partitions that are affected by them are marked. Based on this, the tool performs synthesis on the marked partitions. The information on how much of the design and what parts of the design were re-synthesized can be found in the log file after the incremental run.

This information is in the “Incremental Synthesis Report Summary.” The following is an example of the report.

Figure 1. Incremental Synthesis Report Summary

This section has information on which sections of the design changed and needed to be re-synthesized. In addition, it also has information on how much of the design changed from reference run to incremental run.