The following table provides a quick reference and examples for common AMD Vivado™ simulator commands.
Parsing HDL Files | ||
Vivado simulator supports three HDL file types: Verilog, SystemVerilog and VHDL. You can parse the supported files using XVHDL and XVLOG commands. | ||
Parsing VHDL files |
Parsing Verilog files |
Parsing SystemVerilog files |
For information about the PRJ file format, see Project File (.prj) Syntax. |
Additional xvlog and xvhdl Options | ||
xvlog and xvhdl Key Options |
See Table 1 for a complete list of command options. The following are key options for |
Key Option | Applies to: | |
xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim Command Options |
xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim Command Options |
xvlog , xvhdl
xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim Command Options |
xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim Command Options |
xvlog , xvhdl
xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim Command Options |
xvlog , xvhdl
xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim Command Options |
xvlog , xvhdl
xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim Command Options |
xvlog, xvhdl
xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim Command Options |
xvhdl, vlog
xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim Command Options |
xvlog , xvhdl
Elaborating and Generating an Executable Snapshot | ||
After parsing, you can elaborate the design in Vivado
simulator using the You can skip the parser stage, directly invoke the |
Usage |
xelab top1 top2
Elaborates a design that has two top design units: top1 and top2 . In this example, the design units are compiled in the work library. |
xelab lib1.top1 lib2.top2
Elaborates a design that has two top design units: top1 and top2 . In this example, the design units have are compiled in lib1 and lib2 , respectively |
xelab top1 top2 -prj files.prj
Elaborates a design that has two top design units: top1 and top2 . In this example, the design units are compiled in the work library. The file files.prj contains entries such as:
xelab top1 top2 -s top
Elaborates a design that has two top design units: top1 and top2 . In this
example, the design units are compiled in the work library. After compilation, xelab generates an executable snapshot
with the name top . Without the -s top switch, xelab creates the snapshot by concatenating the unit
names. |
Command Line Help and xelab Options |
Running Simulation | ||
After parsing, elaboration and compilation stages are successful; xsim loads an executable snapshot to run simulation. | ||
Usage |
xsim top -R
Simulates the design to through completion. |
xsim top -gui
Opens the Vivado simulator workspace (GUI). | |
xsim top
Opens the Vivado Design Suite command
prompt in Tcl mode. From there, you can invoke such options as:
Important Shortcuts | ||
You can invoke the parsing, elaboration, and executable generation and simulation in one, two, or three stages. | ||
Three Stage |
Two Stage |
where my_prj.prj file contains:
Single Stage |
where my_prj.prj file contains:
Note: If your design contain UVM construct
then you need to pass
-L uvm to
xvlog and xelab command |
Vivado Simulation Tcl Commands | ||
The following are commonly used Tcl commands. For a complete list, invoke following commands in the Tcl Console:
For information on any Tcl Command, type: |
Common Vivado Simulator Tcl Commands: |
Add break point at a line of HDL source. |
Force the value of a signal, wire, or register to a specified value. Tcl command exampled are provided on Using Force Commands. | |
Report current simulation time. See Using a -tclbatch File for an example of this command within a Tcl script. | |
Report or set the current, working HDL scope. See Scope Window for more information. | |
Get a list of HDL objects in one or more HDL scopes, per the specified pattern. For example command usage refer to: Example SAIF Tcl Commands. | |
Get a list of child HDL scopes. See Scope Window for more information. | |
Get the current value of the selected HDL object (variable, signal, wire, register). Type get_value -help in Tcl Console for more information. |
Launch simulation using the Vivado simulator. | |
Remove breakpoints from a simulation. | |
Print drivers along with current driving values for an HDL wire or signal object. Reference for more information: Using the report_drivers Tcl Command. | |
Print current simulated value of given HDL objects (variables, signals, wires, or registers). For example Tcl command usage, see Scope Window. | |
Rewind simulation to post loading state (as though the design was reloaded); time is set to 0. | |
Set the HDL object (variable, signal, wire, or register) to a specified value. Reference for more information: Value Rules in Vivado Simulator Tcl Commands. | |
Step simulation to the next statement. See Stepping Through a Simulation. |