The AMD Vivado™ Design Suite supports simulation using third-party tools. Simulation with third-party tools can be performed directly from within the Vivado Integrated Design Environment (IDE) or using a custom external simulation environment.
Third-party Simulators | Red Hat 64-bit Linux | Windows 64-bit |
Siemens EDA ModelSim DE | Yes | Yes |
Siemens EDA Questa Advanced Simulator | Yes | Yes |
Cadence Xcelium Parallel Simulator | Yes | NA |
Synopsys VCS | Yes | NA |
Aldec Active HDL | NA | Yes |
Aldec Riviera PRO | Yes | Yes |
The Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893) describes the use of the Vivado IDE.
Set the following environment variables before running simulation in Vivado IDE.
Simulator | Linux | Windows |
Modelsim |
Questa |
Riviera |
Active-HDL | NA |
Xcelium |
NA |
NA |
For links to more information on your third-party simulator, see Links to Additional Information on Third-Party Simulators.
Important: Use only supported versions of
third-party simulators. For more information on supported Simulators and Operating
Systems, see the Compatible Third-Party Tools table in the
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release
Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973).