The last step for producing a working XSI-based C/C++ program involves the compilation of an HDL design and packaging it together with the Vivado simulator to become your design shared library. You might repeat this step whenever there is a change in the HDL design source code.
Create your design shared library by invoking xelab on the HDL design and including the -dll switch to instruct xelab to produce a shared library instead of the usual snapshot for use with the Vivado simulator's user interface.
For example:
Type the following in the Linux command line to create a design shared library at ./xsim.dir/design/
xelab work.top1 work.top2 -dll -s design
where work.top1
and work.top2
are the top module names and design
is the snapshot name.
See xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim Command Options for more details on compiling an HDL design.