ModelSim Simulator Simulation Options - 2023.2 English - UG900

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (UG900)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
Table 1. ModelSim Simulation Options
Option Description
modelsim.simulate.runtime Specify simulation runtime. Tcl file containing a set of commands that you want to invoke at the end of the simulation.
modelsim.simulate.log_all_signals Log all signals.
modelsim.simulate.custom_do Specify the name of custom do file.
modelsim.simulate.custom_udo Specify the name of custom user do file.
modelsim.simulate.sdf_delay Specify the delay type for sdf annotation.
modelsim.simulate.ieee_warning Suppresses IEEE warnings.
modelsim.simulate.saif Specify SAIF file.
modelsim.simulate.saif_scope Specify design hierarchy instance name for which power estimation is desired.
modelsim.simulate.vsim.more_options More VSIM simulation options.
modelsim.simulate.custom_wave_do Name of the custom file, which is used in place of a regular Vivado generated file.