You can use a Verilog timing simulation to verify circuit operation after the Vivado tools have calculated the worst-case placed and routed delays.
In many cases, you can use the same test bench that you used for functional simulation to perform a more accurate simulation.
Compare the results from the two simulations to verify that your design is performing as initially specified.
There are two steps to generating a timing simulation netlist:
- Generate a simulation netlist file for the design.
- Generate an SDF delay file with all the timing delays annotated. Important: Vivado IDE supports Verilog timing simulation only.Tip: If you are a VHDL user, you can run post-synthesis and post-implementation functional simulation (in which case no standard default format (SDF) annotation is required and the simulation netlist uses the UNISIM library). You can create the netlist using thewrite_vhdl Tcl command. For usage information, see the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).
The following is the Tcl syntax for generating a timing simulation netlist:
write_verilog -mode timesim -sdf_anno true <Verilog_Netlist_Name>