Running I/O Port and Clock Logic Related DRCs - 2023.2 English - UG899

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: I/O and Clock Planning (UG899)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
To select and run individual rules:
  1. Select Reports > Report DRC.
    Note: Alternatively, you can click Report DRC from the Flow Navigator, or enter the following command in the Tcl Console: report_drc -name <results_name>.
  2. In the Report DRC dialog box (see the following figure), set the following options, and click OK:
    Results name
    Specify the name for the DRC results, which appear in a tab in the DRC window. Entering a unique name makes it easier to identify the results for a particular run during debug in the DRC window. By default, the output file name matches the name you enter.
    Output file
    Optionally, enter a file name to save the DRC results to a file. To select a path other than the default, use the browse button.
    Rule decks
    Specify a rule deck to run on the design. A rule deck is a collection of design rule checks grouped for convenience. Design rule checks can exist in more than one rule deck. For example, the same rule can exist in both the opt_checks and placer_checks rule decks. The Vivado tools run the rule deck at the appropriate stage of the FPGA design flow, such as after synthesis or implementation.
    Runs a default set of checks recommended by AMD
    Runs checks associated with logic optimization.
    Runs checks associated with placement.
    Runs checks associated with routing.
    Runs checks associated with bitstream generation.
    Runs checks associated with timing constraints.
    Checks validity of incremental ECO design modifications.
    Runs checks on connectivity and placement after completing an engineering change order (ECO) that modifies the netlist. For example, this check is usually run on an implemented design when the connect_net Tcl command is used to modify the netlist.
    After specifying a rule deck, modify the rules to run as needed.
Tip: If you want to run a non-standard set of design rule checks, you can create a custom rule deck using the create_drc_ruledeck and add_drc_checks Tcl commands as shown in Tcl Command Example for Defining a Custom Rule Deck. After you create the custom rule deck, it appears in the Rule Decks area of the Report DRC dialog box.